Be Recognized as an OIC Expert
Get recognized by your peers and prospective clients as a top Offer in Compromise attorney in the USA. Earning the OIC Scholar certificate from National Offer in Compromise Academy demonstrates to the world that you are among the elite of the Offer in Compromise tax professionals. But the certificate isn’t given away --- IT MUST BE EARNED by passing the 650-question exam!
Earn the OIC Certificate
Take the ExamEarn Your OIC Certificate
As an OIC Scholar, you enjoy many advantages over your competition. The OIC Scholar certificate helps you attract additional clients by setting yourself apart from and as more qualified than average tax professionals. Clients will be impressed by the OIC Scholar designation and more inclined to engage you because of the perceived competency and expertise afforded by the OIC Scholar certificate.
OIC Scholars can utilize the designation in all marketing materials, resumes, and curriculum vitae. Proudly display that you are an OIC Scholar on your firm letterhead by adding the National Offer in Compromise Academy logo. The logo can also be downloaded and displayed on your firm’s website. The OIC Scholar designation should be listed on all articles you publish in legal journals. Plus, marketing materials become more effective when you can affirmatively demonstrate your Offer in Compromise tax expertise.
To obtain additional clients by enhancing your marketing materials or to be recognized by your peers for demonstrated knowledge in Offer in Compromise tax law, then take the next step and click the button below.