Congratulations! You have shown the professional commitment to provide outstanding services to your clients. The STANDARD membership level provides access to 20 online courses:
- 3 IRS Overview Courses
- 17 Offer in Compromise Courses
The STANDARD plan provides access to 20 online courses. It begins with three overview courses that explain the IRS collection process and focus on taxpayer solutions to back-taxes -- including Offer in Compromise, Innocent Spouse Relief, Currently Not Collectible status, and more. Next, the STANDARD level provides 17 additional online courses focused exclusively on teaching, explaining, and demonstrating the mechanics of the Offer in Compromise process -- including a line-by-line analysis of IRS forms 656, 433-A (OIC), and 433-B (OIC).
At the conclusion of the courses, you will be on your way to filing your first Offer in Compromise or Installment Agreement request on behalf of your client.